Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to school: study tips for success

Good morning lovelies! 
Like I said, I am so busy with volleyball lately (by the way I made junior varsity as a freshman!) that its hard for me to keep up with these! However I will try to as much as I possibly can! Today I am going to be sharing with you guys my tips and tricks to stay organized and get good grades for school. I have been a straight A student all my life and my dream is to be able to go to one of the UC schools in California. To get into those schools I have realized my grades need to be top notch. The first thing you need to do is prioritize what you think is the most important. It obviously should be getting good grades because in the long run that is what will get you into good colleges and then get you into a job that your happy with. I have always been a perfectionist so I personally would never be satisfied with anything other then my goal. I have realized that it will take a lot of hard work but I am willing to do it if that means that I can put myself in the position in the future to be able to get the dream job I've always wanted. If there is a job that I really want when I'm older and have graduated but my laziness in high school has come in the way of that I am going to be very upset. So step #1 is to prioritize and figure out what you want to do. If your goals aren't quite as driven as mine then you have a little more room to relax and you'll save yourself a lot of stress. Do whatever makes you happy. Different people will be satisfied with different goals. Then once you have figured out your goals start doing things that will get you there. I am going to share with you guys some of my best tips for success in school. 
1. Flash cards. These are essential for me for studying for tests. Tests are what make a big part of your grade whether you like it or not. Writing out the flash cards will help you memorize it and after that you actually have flash cards you can flip through and study for.
2. Stay organized. This is super important for getting good grades. If your not on top of things and constantly losing assignments then no matter what you do you won't be able to earn that top grade.
3. Take care of the little things. Just because tests and projects take up most of your grade does not mean you can just do whatever on small assignments like homework. Get it done. It may be tedious and boring but at least it's not hard and bad homework grades can weigh down your grade quite a bit. 
4. Do any extra credit available. Even if you think you won't need it you never know when you will. 
5. Pay attention in class. This may seem a little hard because no one is forcing you to do it but this will really help you in the long run. If your paying attention to the information the teacher is telling you in class then studying and doing homework in the future will come a lot easier to you. Take good notes while you listen. This will help you remember them better. I like to take notes in pink so I actually like looking at them and taking them. 
6. Review any material you didn't understand THAT DAY. If the teacher is talking about something you don't understand raise your hand or high light and mark it with a sticky note then ask your teacher after class or a classmate about it. Then go home and look over it to make sure you understand. 
7. This is that hardest one for me- don't procrastinate! Don't leave things for the last minute because you never know what other things you'll have to do in the future. Time management is SO important for high school.
8. Even though it sucks, sometimes your going to have to give up things that you like doing like watching youtube videos and spending hours online (yes maybe online shopping). You could be using that time studying and getting ahead. Especially if your a high school athlete as well you really have to manage your time wisely. Use youtube and the web as a reward to treat yourself with once you've finished your work! 

Keep working hard this year ladies! It's never to late to change your future! What are your best study tips? Xxx Girl with the  Pink Bow

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