Monday, September 30, 2013

5 calorie Chai tea latte recipe

 I swear starbucks makes most of there money during the fall time. The number of pictures, posts, and tweets about pumpkin spice and chai tea lattes is actually overwhelming. Because why wouldn't you want to be the common girl and take Instagram pictures with a hot starbucks drink with the "fall" caption in the middle of August? I can kind of see the whole fall starbucks obsession thing. I get it, the weather gets chillier and nothing is better then a nice warm drink. I'd personally prefer my warm drinks minus all the calories and sugar though. So I decided to experiment and make my own version! And the best part? It's like 5 calories and delicious! 
Starting off take a mug and fill it half way with water. You can add more or less water depending on how strong/creamy you want your latte. If you want it super sugary and creamy then you can take it out this step completely. 
Then take some cinnamon and dump as much in as you'd like. I love cinnamon so I put in a generous amount. 
Now, you want to make sure it's mixed in so take a coffee stirrer and stir until the cinnamon is dissolved in the water. 
Once you've done that it should look something like this. Now add your sugar free chai tea latte concentrate. I LOVE this stuff! I add it to coffee too. You can find it at any grocery store or target. 
I like to fill mine until the mug is about 90% full.
Now add your almond milk. I can not even begin to explain my love of almond milk. Only 30 calories per cup?! Amazing! And this Almond Breeze brand tastes so much better then the other kind. You literally just add a tiny splash in. 
Now microwave until its hot (30-40 seconds) and enjoy! Guilt free and delicious!! 

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